Based on Disney's iconic 1991 movie, this contemporary interpretation of Beauty and the Beast uses a stunning new art style, created to capture the drama of this classic fairy-tale. The puzzle focuses on the key characters - Belle with her beloved books, a very menacing and unhappy Beast, Mrs Potts, Chip, Lumi?re and Cogsworth. We also get glimpses of Beauty and the Beast dancing, Gaston attacking the castle, and the happy ending when the spell is broken! This rich, dramatic and unique illustration is the second in a series specially created for Ravensburger by a leading British Disney-approved art studio. Escape the pressures of the day and enjoy some mindful moments as you assemble this dramatic and atmospheric puzzle. Our 1000 piece jigsaws are crafted with premium quality and measure 70 x 50cm when complete. Great for Adults and ideal puzzles for Children 12 years old and up. Bestselling puzzle brand worldwide - With over 1 billion puzzles sold, our jigsaw puzzles make ideal gifts for women, great gifts for men and fit perfectly on our puzzle board. Our puzzles use an exclusive, extra-thick cardboard combined with our fine, linen structured paper to create a glare-free puzzle image and give you the best experience possible. Positively Puzzling - From fun family times together to long term health benefits and day-to-day mindful moments, there are so many positives about the humble Jigsaw! They make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift.
Inventering: | Nej |
Lagra artikelnummer: | 2984688 |
Frakt: | Ukendt. |
203.00 kr.
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